Parent Resources
To Report an Absence
It is the parent's responsibility to notify the school when your child will be absent or tardy. Absences must be cleared within 5 days.
To report a student absence:
Call 24 Hour Attendance Line: (916) 979-8171
Call/Visit the school office: 916-575-2302
"Report an Absence" on the San Juan USD App
"Email School to Inquire" under Attendance Tab in the Parent Portal
Please provide:
- first and last name of the student
- teacher's name or grade level
- name of the person reporting the absence and relationship to student (parent/guardian, etc.)
- date of absence
- reason for the absence (if illness, include symptoms)
If a student absence is not verified the District absence notification program will alert parents to a student absence by phone and/or e-mail. Parent will then also be able to verify a student absence with the school via either phone or e-mail.
In order to receive notifications via e-mail, parents/guardians must have an active e-mail address on file with the school. E-mail addresses on file can be verified with the school office. Families can opt-out of e-mail notifications at any time by contacting the school office.
Arriving Late:
Visit the school office to check in with the Attendance Clerk before continuing to class.
Picking Up Early:
Visit the school office to sign a student out early. Staff will bring your student to the office to meet you.
Related Files:
Sacramento County Symptom & Quarantine Decision Tree
English Learner/Multicultural Education Department Notice of Absence
Chronic Illness Verification Form
Extended Absence:
Independent Study Contracts: If a child will be out of school for five or more days for an unexcused reason (e.g., personal necessity), parents may contact the school at least five days in advance about arranging Independent Study. While schools accommodate most requests, certain criteria may lead to the school denying the request, including: less than five days advance notice, lack of academic proficiency, attendance or behavioral concerns, vacation, conflict with testing or lack of resources required to provide the service. Independent Study days are not considered absences, as long as the contract is abided by and all work is completed
Drop off and Pick Up Information
Lower Parking Lot:
- Family and guest parking! Please park in designated parking spaces ONLY. Do not park along the curbs inside the parking lot.
- Car Line for grades K-5 along the curb, in a single-file line.
- Do NOT leave your car unattended at any time in the Car Line.
- Do NOT encourage students to enter parking lot unattended.
- Students and families MUST use crosswalks at all times for everyone's safety.
Upper Parking Lot:
- ILS/Disability Car Line ONLY
- Staff Parking ONLY - the parking space area is NOT a drive-through pickup or drop off location
- Families stay in Car Line along the curb for students in ILS and those students needing additional disability related supports. (contact office and/or Special Education teacher/case manager for details)
- Staff will support students to exit and enter vehicles safely.
- Do NOT leave your car unattended at any time.
- If you need to park and visit the office, you may park along the street, or in the lower parking lot.
- Students and families walking along streets and through parking areas MUST use crosswalks at all times for everyone's safety.
Safety Tips
- Drive slowly.
- In car lines, stay in your car at all times and wait for staff support.
- Drop off students at the curb only, not in the left lane, or middle of parking lots.
- Look around before pulling away from car lines.
- Do not park in red zones, or block driveways.
- Park in designated parking spaces only.
- Always accompany students to crosswalks.
- Please be patient and kind. The safety of our families and staff are always a priority.
- Car Line pickup runs smoothly and quickly completing in 10-15 minutes from the bell when everyone follows these guidelines.
Morning supervision and after school release:
Morning Drop Off (Breakfast/WalkClub/Family Supports)
- There is no supervision before 8:20am. Students are not allowed on campus before that time.
- 8:20 - 8:45am Breakfast & Morning Supervision in MP Room
- 8:45 - 8:55am Students to Walk Club, TK & Kinder Classrooms (double doors near Kinder playground)
- Students in ILS, or with special needs gather with teachers at the front of campus, near the office.
- All classrooms and hallways are closed until the first bell as teachers has campus supervision duties and prep before then.
- If arriving late, after 8:55am, please report to office.
- 8:55am Morning bell rings, students line up with teachers and walk to classrooms.
Early Pick Up
- If you need to pick up a student early, please visit the office and staff will bring your student to you.
- Please allow extra time as students may be at recess, PE, clubs, or assemblies depending on the time and day.
After School Pick Up
- Students will be walked by teachers from classrooms to Car Line areas at the end of the school day.
- Families may wait in designated Family Zones or Car Lines (do NOT leave car unattended)
- Please communicate with your student and teacher where you will pick up your child.
- Individuals picking up children MUST be listed on emergency contacts in Parent Portal.
- Students in the Bridges After School Program will meet in the MP Room after school.
- After the Car Line has dispersed, remaining students will be taken to the office for pick up.
- TK students must be picked up no later than 12:15pm.
- All students must be picked up no later than 3:30pm. (2:15pm on Thursdays)